No-show patients and cancellations cost the health care system $150 billion a year, according to a study from SCI Solutions. Nationwide, no-show patients and cancellation rates are as high as 30%,...
MRI’s are an important diagnostic tool. They can differentiate between fat, water, muscle, and other soft tissue to help detect abnormalities of the brain, heart, breast, liver, and joints to name a...
It’s not uncommon to hear people speak of being anxious about having to undergo an MRI scan. In fact, it is estimated that up to 5% of the United States population suffers from some sort of...
Enterography studies (in MRI and CT) are a specialized tool for a specific patient population. While it can be used to diagnose problems such as bleeding, inflammation, and obstructions, it is...
MRI scans can be used to examine almost any part of the body including bones and joints, the heart and blood vessels, and internal organs like the liver.
When radiologists introduce a new procedure into their institution, or they want to improve an existing protocol, it’s common practice to turn to those that live and breathe that procedure for advice.
Choosing the right contrast and drinking protocol has a direct impact on an imaging department’s productivity.
What do you do when pediatric patients can’t ingest the required amount of contrast for enterography?
The Department of Radiology at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centercompared two neutral oral contrast agents and published their findings (Comparison of Two Neutral Oral Contrast Agents...