In the world of healthcare, where dedication and precision are paramount, recognizing the outstanding contributions of medical professionals is a cherished tradition. This year, Beekley Medical’s...
Since 2022, Beekley Medical® has recognized several breast centers that utilize the Beekley Skin Marking System® with the “Skin Marking in Mammography Excellence Award.” This award is presented to...
On April 30, 2024 the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) published the final version of their recommendation on screening mammography guidelines and while not unexpected, the...
The new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) breast density notification legislation will become effective nationally starting September 10, 2024. In this federally mandated requirement patients who...
In 2018, we published the blog “ Skin Tears in Mammography Happen…But Do They Have to?”. Almost six years after its publication, we are still receiving feedback and comments on it! Unfortunately,...
Mammographers often describe having a love/hate relationship with interventional procedures. From appreciating the change of pace from screening mammography, as well as the knowledge that they’re an...
When patients or new staff members inquire why mammography skin markers are used in your breast imaging center what do you tell them? You know the Beekley Skin Marking System® for Mammography...
Each year since 2017, Beekley Medical® has awarded one person the EMPOWER Award for Mammography. Over the years the recipients have included breast radiologists, lead mammographers, and most...
Mammographic screening in the general population has a proven record of decreasing death rates from breast cancer primarily by early detection, whether it's finding cancers smaller and sooner than...