BeekSpeak - The Voice of Beekley Medical

To Drink or Not to Drink: An Honest Conversation about Oral Contrast
To drink or not to drink? That is the question radiologists have been struggling with when it comes to positive oral contrast.
A Portion of the Proceeds - Where it Goes, Who it Helps
Each October, there is no shortage of exposure about the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness. The initiative builds each year gaining more and more exposure.
7 Ways Beekley Invests in Continuing Education for the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Communities
"Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow." William Pollard, Nuclear Physicist, Episcopal Priest,...
Coping Financially with Breast Cancer
While fighting for their lives, many women in active treatment for breast cancer lose their livelihoods - experiencing a loss of income that often leads to catastrophic financial losses and the need...
MR Technologists Discuss the Pros and Cons of Skin Markers used in MRI
When it comes to communicating the location of a palpable mass, point of pain, or even a thoracic level in MRI, most radiologists and technologists use a skin marker.
MQSA EQUIP: Where Breast Imaging Facilities Are Showing Deficiencies in First Six Months
Nearly half of all breast imaging facilities undergoing their annual MQSA inspections were found to have at least one or more deficiencies related to the Enhancing Quality Using the Inspection...
Falling May Negatively Impact Quality of Life and the Bottom Line in Long-Term Care
The first day of Fall is tagged as Falls Prevention Awareness Day by the National Council of Aging.
Good Things Come in Smaller, More Streamlined, Packages
Yes, there is something up our sleeves! Beekley Medical customers will start seeing their dispensed product arrive in smaller boxes. However, unlike the food industry, we didn't shrink the volume of...
Permanent vs. Temporary Set-Up Marks in Radiation Therapy
One of the most frequently asked questions of our Radiation Oncology team is what are others doing when it comes to permanent vs temporary marks in treatment set-ups.
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