BeekSpeak - The Voice of Beekley Medical

Capturing the Elusive Pectoralis Major in Mammography
Did you know that 67% of all female breast cancers occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast? Did you also know that the largest percentage of quality failures cited by the MQSA are due to poor...
Joint Commission New Regulations for Pain Management Emphasize Monitoring, Non-Pharmacological Approaches
As a response to the nation’s opioid addiction epidemic, the Joint Commission announced new regulations that address pain management will go into effect on January 1, 2018 for accredited hospitals....
The Four Essential Prongs of a Cancer Survivorship Program
Putting patients on the path to cancer survivorship is about more than eliminating a tumor.
The Unexpected Benefits of Corporate Charitable Giving
'Tis the season for giving. Like most companies and individuals this time of year, as we reflect on what we're grateful for in our lives, our thoughts turn to how we can help the less fortunate among...
Meet Sue: Serving our Military and Their Families
Senior Account Manager Susan Scott Murray is no stranger to military life. Her uncles served in the Air Force and Marines, her dad in the Army National Guard, and her husband served on the US...
To Drink or Not to Drink: An Honest Conversation about Oral Contrast
To drink or not to drink? That is the question radiologists have been struggling with when it comes to positive oral contrast.
A Portion of the Proceeds - Where it Goes, Who it Helps
Each October, there is no shortage of exposure about the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness. The initiative builds each year gaining more and more exposure.
7 Ways Beekley Invests in Continuing Education for the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Communities
"Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow." William Pollard, Nuclear Physicist, Episcopal Priest,...
Coping Financially with Breast Cancer
While fighting for their lives, many women in active treatment for breast cancer lose their livelihoods - experiencing a loss of income that often leads to catastrophic financial losses and the need...
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