We introduced Dr. Joseph C. Benjamin, specialist in breast imaging and lead interpreting physician for mammography within the Mercy Health system in Ohio in aprevious blog postregarding the...
Joseph C. Benjamin, MD, is a specialist in breast imaging and lead interpreting physician for mammography within theMercy Healthsystem in Ohio.
There is no doubt that 2020 had a dramatic impact on the mental well being of healthcare workers.
Each year Beekley Medical awards one person the EMPOWER Award for Mammography. It is a hard process every time we review the submitted nomination as all individual submissions are abundantly...
The Beekley Medical® EMPOWER award for Mammography was inspired by the outstanding breast health professionals that go above and beyond their everyday role to impact their patients and advocate for...
Breast centers across the country have instituted additional safety measures in order to make it as safe as possible for both patients and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we thought we would shed some light on mammograms and how vital they can be in detecting cancers, as well as what to expect when you schedule your...
A common misconception about digital breast tomosysnthesis (DBT), also referred to as 3D mammography, is that whatever is seen on the first five slices is skin-related and most likely benign.
Not all cancers present as obvious findings. Detecting lesions and groups of micro-calcifications requires concentration and dedicated focus.