BeekSpeak - The Voice of Beekley Medical

Meet Christopher Moore, Dosimetrist, EMPOWER Award Recipient
Drive down any street in America and you are bound to find a house or business honoring healthcare workers by displaying hearts in their windows or yards. These hearts have been there for months,...
Choosing the Ideal Localization Marker in MRI
MRI scans can be used to examine almost any part of the body including bones and joints, the heart and blood vessels, and internal organs like the liver.
Aromatherapy Can Be a Helping Hand in Radiology
I recently had my screening mammogram after delaying it a few extra months during the COVID-19 pandemic. I must admit I was a bit anxious despite all the new precautions being taken to keep patients...
Radiologists Explain Why Skin Lesions are Still Problematic in 3D Mammography
A common misconception about digital breast tomosysnthesis (DBT), also referred to as 3D mammography, is that whatever is seen on the first five slices is skin-related and most likely benign.
Medical Distancing -The Collateral Damage of the COVID19 Pandemic
The problem with pandemics is that other diseases don't take a back seat to it or go away. Sadly this fact is coming to light as the medical community estimates that anywhere from one-third to...
The Unavoidable Stress of Prostate Cancer Treatment
Stress and anxiety are unavoidable for cancer patients. From diagnosis to treatment to survivorship, patients may experience varying levels of stress. In fact, studies show that up to 49% of patients...
Back to the Workplace Can Mean Increased Anxiety for Some
Another “new normal” is starting to set in with people across the country heading back in to work after months in quarantine due to COVID-19.
How Interruptions and Non-standardized Documentation Can Affect Reading Accuracy in Breast Imaging
Not all cancers present as obvious findings. Detecting lesions and groups of micro-calcifications requires concentration and dedicated focus.
Meet LÉLEMAN, SL- Beekley's 2019 Global Partner of the Year
Once a year Beekley Medical recognizes one of our top performing business partners with the "Global Partner of the Year Award." Past award winners demonstrate a commitment to better serving their...
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