The Four Essential Prongs of a Cancer Survivorship Program
Putting patients on the path to cancer survivorship is about more than eliminating a tumor.
Coping Financially with Breast Cancer
While fighting for their lives, many women in active treatment for breast cancer lose their livelihoods - experiencing a loss of income that often leads to catastrophic financial losses and the need...
Significant Reduction in Self-Reported Anxiety in Breast Biopsy Procedures with Elequil Aromatabs
Breast Biopsies can be very stressful for patients. Although it is a minor procedure, it is a major event to the patient. Many patients are mothers or grandmothers and worry about their family’s fate...
​Fighting Cancer in the Republic of Georgia
At Beekley, it’s not uncommon for us to come across inspiring stories about patients and physicians fighting cancer. Sometimes they’re so inspiring that we have to share them.
​Therapeutic Aromatherapy as Integrative Care in Radiation Oncology
Treatments, regular testing, coping with symptoms of the disease, and side effects from medication can drain cancer patients both physically and emotionally.
Can Inhalation Aromatherapy Reduce Aborted MRI Scans in Patients with Anxiety and Claustrophobia?
Did you know that close to 2 million MRI exams are aborted each year due to patient anxiety or claustrophobia across the globe?
Simple Gestures in Labor and Delivery Can Birth Healthcare Relationships for Life
When you give birth and become a mom, you can most likely recall the sound of the first cry, glimpse, and embrace of your baby. If you are like me… you also remember the great and not-so-great...
From Marketer to Patient – What Now?
My career at Beekley Medical is in marketing. All of the products I have touched in my marketing role, I believe in and stand behind. For the last two years, I have lived & breathed supporting the ...
From Cancer Care to Elder Care, Elequil Helps to Improve Quality of Life
With 70% of hospitals ranking patient satisfaction and experience as one of their top 3 priorities for the next three years1, many healthcare providers are turning to complementary health approaches...
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