Patient Satisfaction and the 15 Minute Mammogram
Getting your mammogram can be a daunting experience, especially when the patient thinks that there may be something wrong. They wait for the exam, don a medical gown, are maneuvered onto a cold...
We Compress for Seconds to Preserve Years - Mini-Poster
Compression. If one thing is for certain in mammography, women do not care for it at all.
Patient's Guide to Mammography Skin Markers (educational poster)
Supplement your intake histories and standardization protocols with this easy visual for patients about the purpose of each skin marker shape used in mammography.
Fighting the Anxiety of Fighting Cancer
I am a cancer patient at Midwestern Hospital – The Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Zion, Illinois. Although no one wants cancer, if you need to fight it, this is the medical center to go to.
Patient Experience Week: What is it and why celebrate?
Patient Experience Week is a celebration of the healthcare staff that go above and beyond to increase the patient experience.
The Sweet Smell of Positive Patient Survey Comments
HSHS St. Vincent Hospital has been utilizing AromaTabs for quite some time. We have found them very beneficial and we have even had patient's positively comment on their usage in our Patient...
Mammograms! Even the routine ones can feel stressful
There is a nervous tension or unease that seems to permeate waiting rooms. Everyone is there for a different reason, but everyone is also there for some form of diagnostic.
Sick. Hurt. Scared. Human.
We've been writing a lot about the patient experience lately - a topic trending in healthcare circles primarily of the role patient satisfaction surveys play in reimbursement for services.
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