Meet Brittany Ramaut, Breast Sonographer, EMPOWER Award Recipient

Brittany, recipient of the Empower Award

In the world of healthcare, where dedication and precision are paramount, recognizing the outstanding contributions of medical professionals is a cherished tradition. This year, Beekley Medical’s prestigious EMPOWER Award for Mammography was presented to a remarkable breast sonographer whose expertise and compassion have made a significant impact in the field of breast imaging.

A beacon of dedication

Brittany Ramaut, lead breast sonographer at The University of Michigan Health System, stood out among her peers for her exceptional service and commitment to patient care. Her work at the Rogel Cancer Center has not only demonstrated technical proficiency but also a deep understanding of the support patients require during their diagnostic journey.

Brittany’s role as a breast sonographer is critical in the early detection and diagnosis of breast conditions and she has received multiple guardian angel awards for her great pickups in breast ultrasound.

Her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to provide clear, concise images have been instrumental in the successful treatment of countless patients. Dr. Kyle Wilson stated in his nomination of Brittany, "I can think of no other person I’d rather have by my side while I’m trying to detect a subtle cancer."Brittany with Dr. Wilson

In their nominations, Brittany's colleagues highlighted her relentless pursuit of excellence and her unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those she serves. Dr. Wilson cited Brittany's drive to expand her knowledge by applying for a grant through the hospital to attend the Society of Breast Imaging Conference to learn more about the strengths, weaknesses, and interpretation of all breast imaging modalities.

A recognition of skill, character, and influence

The Empower Award for Mammography is not just a recognition of technical skill; it is a testament to the nominee’s character and influence. Brittany was chosen for her empathetic approach to patient care, her contributions to the field of mammography and ultrasound, and her role as an educator and mentor to her peers.

In his nomination of Brittany, Dr. Paul Grundlehner wrote, "Her colleagues would describe her as a ray of positivity and she helps train more mammography technologists to perform breast ultrasound. She also volunteers with ARRT to further help her field and its future practitioners."

Dr. Stephanie Patterson noted that Brittany always attends their weekly tumor board to further her breadth of knowledge. Brittany truly embodies the qualities that Beekley Medical seeks to honor: excellence, compassion, and empowering progress.

A surprise and heartfelt event

The award ceremony was a heartfelt event held at the Rogel Cancer Center, where Brittany’s colleagues and the breast care team gathered to celebrate her achievements. Dr. Wilson helped us plan the event, and opted to keep the award a surprise to Brittany.

She was completely blown away when she arrived to the event and realized it was in her honor. Brittany’s husband Aaron Ramaut attended, along with many providers, technologists, and other staff members within the breast imaging program.Brittany and Aaron

The nominators spoke volumes about her dedication, with colleagues sharing stories and examples of Brittany’s ability to go above and beyond for her patients. Laura Braid, mammography manager, congratulated Brittany and told her how much she appreciates her initiative and drive to learn.

Brittany was presented with a plaque that had a compilation of her nominations printed on it in addition to the crystal EMPOWER award trophy and a gift basket from Beekley.

Brittany expressed her gratitude by addressing her colleagues saying, "Thank you for giving me the space and allowing me to do the things I do in this department. This will go down in history for me, I’ve reached my peak here. I’m so grateful for all of you and for being hired here back in 2016 and taking a chance on me as the first dual [mammography and ultrasound] tech hired here. I am so thankful; this is a highlight of my career."

The vital role of breast sonographers

Empower Award 2024As we celebrate Brittany's accomplishments, we are reminded of the vital role that breast sonographers play in the healthcare system. Their expertise and care make a profound difference in the lives of patients every day. Brittany’s recognition serves as an inspiration to all healthcare professionals to strive for excellence and to make a positive impact in their fields.

Beekley Medical’s Empower Award for Mammography continues to shine a light on the heroes of healthcare, and Brittany’s story is a beacon of hope and dedication that will inspire many for years to come.

Brittany Ramaut’s recognition is a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the hard work and passion of those in the healthcare industry. It is individuals like her who drive the advancement of medical care and patient experience. Congratulations to Brittany on this well-deserved honor. May her story encourage others to reach for the same heights of professional and personal achievement.


Colleen O'Flaherty

Product Manager - Mammography and Breast Biopsy

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