"All it takes to make a difference in someone's life is to care." Marybeth Sliter, Senior Account Manager. Talented, passionate, and caring, Beekley Associates are an altruistic bunch. Our mission to make the lives of everyone we touch a little better extends far beyond our industry and imaging community. We believe that even small companies can make a big difference in the world around them.
"The Mighty 8"
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead, American Cultural Anthropologist
On May 3, 2017, a small group of Beekley Associates, or the "Mighty 8" as they dubbed themselves,set out to change the world for one family, and in the process, changed the world for themselves.
Maureen Gallo (Executive, Vice President, Beekley Corporation), Karin Copeland (Director of Continuous Learning and Leadership Development, Beekley Corporation), Jane Reik (Recruiting Manager, Beekley Corporation), Mary Ann Meccariello, (Corporate Front Desk Receptionist, Beekley Corporation), Marybeth Sliter (Senior Account Manager, Beekley Medical), Luanne McDonnough (Business Development Manager II, Beekley Medical), Kristie Oren (Business Development Manager II, Beekley Medical), and Beth Kyle (Market Research Specialist, Beekley Medical) volunteered their time, muscle, and sweat to help build home for a deserving family with the Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity.
We built a wall with pride
"We viewed the world from the second story of a house that only had the floor to walk on," said Marybeth. "It was a great point of view to see things from a different perspective. We dug in and did things we have never done before and performed tasks that were taught to us just minutes before. Everyone put in their best effort knowing this will be a new home for a family."
The ladies hauled sheet rock up two flights of stairs, hammered, and nailed - building a wall from nothing and then raised it!
Luanne said it was her kind of wall and Kristie agreed. As she described their accomplishment, "We achieved a tangible result - a wall that will provide shelter and a piece of the American dream - a home! I hope it becomes an anchor for this family representing more dreams realized and paid forward."
A Labor of Love
"Love is what makes a house a home!" Luanne Mcdonough, Business Development Manager II
"I was WIPED out when I got home, and I didn't haul the sheet rock!" exclaimed Kristie in appreciation of her teammates who did.
Jane admitted that the next time she drives by a job site, or sees workers on the road, that she won't be as quick to judge if they are just standing there. "I understand now that it can't be non-stop movement and that you have to pace yourself with heavy lifting and continuous hammering - this is HARD work!!"
Despite the sore muscles the next day, including the ones they didn't know they had, each volunteer is looking forward to doing it all again next year.
Talented, passionate, and caring with a focus on making the lives of everyone we touch a little better - I would say the "Mighty 8" nailed it.
If this post inspired you to make a difference in your community, visit habitat.org to learn more about local builds in your area.
To learn more about working at Beekley, visit the Careers page at beekley.com.
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Mary Lang Pelton
Director of Marketing Communications