Women that need help with conception and seek Infertility centers to help start their family, can encounter anxiety, sadness, and depression. According to an article in the New York Times, some studies compared the stress from infertility to that experienced by someone with cancer or heart disease.
RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, states that 7.4 million or 11.9% of women have received infertility services in their lifetime.
Stress Can Prohibit Pregnancy

Couples that turn to infertility centers are under a high amount of stress. They have already been trying to conceive and this is their last hope, which has already been compromised. As the couple starts infertility treatments, the stress becomes even higher. It is emotionally and physically exhausting during the cycle(s) of trying to become pregnant using an Infertility center.
Patients need to give themselves hormone shots at a specific time - multiple times a day, visit the center numerous times per week for checkups and blood draws to determine if the meds need to be adjusted, take time off from work for appointments, wait for the results of the cycle, all while trying to smile so that others don’t see the emotional pain of trying to conceive (while everyone else appears to easily get pregnant).
There may also be further strain in the marriage with this emotional toll as well as financially. It is extremely expensive if insurance doesn’t cover the cost. And, even if it does, it may only cover a few rounds of treatment.
Patients are often told to try to stay relaxed. The article "How Stress Can Hurt Your Chances of Having a Baby" (published on WEBMD), highlights the work of Dr. Alice Domar, Executive of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health, pioneer of the application of mind/body medicine to care. In her research, Dr. Domar indicated that stress may send a message to your body indicating it is not a good time to become pregnant. She conducted a study where a group of women participated in a 10-week stress management program that proved an increase in successful pregnancies conducted by an infertility center.
Recently, Beekley Medical® surveyed Infertility Centers on how aromatherapy can be used to help patients relax and results were very positive. View the results below:
In the survey, the centers were introduced introduced to Elequil aromatabs® as an easy method to help patients relax and asked about their level of interest in using for their patients.
Elequil consists of 100% pure essential oils in a unique, controlled, delivery system that stays within the zone of the patient. Lavender and Lavender-Sandalwood help with relaxation; Orange-Peppermint helps sooth queasiness. Each scent last up to 8 or more hours for lasting personalized aromatherapy as the patient goes about their day.
42% of the infertility clinics surveyed responded they were very interested in a product like Elequil, and 58% responded they were somewhat interested.
The majority of the those interested (68%) indicated that they would likely offer Elequil aromatabs in the office and suggest continued use for home care, while others stated they would make the recommendation for the patient to order direct from the Elequil.com consumer shop.
To learn more about Elequil® and the use of aromatherapy in the clinical setting, visit Elequil.com. To request materials for a trial evaluation at your clinic, contact your Elequil Account Manager at 1-800-233-5539 or info@beekleycom.
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Melissa Vibberts
Director of Brand Management