Real men might wear pink, but it's a sad reality that cancer does not discriminate against gender, age, body parts, or organs. While October is all about pink ribbons and breast cancer awareness, November is quickly claiming men's health as it's cancer awareness month.
Two foundations, Movember, and No Shave November, encourage men (and in No Shave November's case- women) to ditch the razor for a month as a unique way to raise awareness.
Movember encourages men to grow mustaches to "change the face of men's health" to raise awareness and funds to help men affected by mental health issues, prostate, and testicular cancers.
No Shave November's mission is more broad, focusing on growing awareness of all cancer by "embracing our hair" which many cancer patients lose during treatment. Participants are encouraged to donate the money they would normally spend on shaving, waxing, and grooming for a month.
Our Beekley Associates are a pretty civic-minded group, so it's no surprise that three of our male co-workers, Rey Martinez, Jay Houck, and Craig Gemmell, accepted the challenge to ditch the razor and endure a month of itchy, facial hair growth to raise money for this worthy cause and draw attention to the cancers that affect men's health in our mostly female company.
Since all three men were already mustachioed, they opted to grow beards and participate in No Shave November where their donations will go towards the American Cancer Society's efforts to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those currently fighting the battle.
Kudos Gentlemen!
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Mary Lang Pelton
Director of Marketing Communications